Author Guidelines

The journal uses Chicago referencing style. However, manuscripts may be formatted in any referencing style at initial submission. Authors of manuscripts accepted for publication that use a different style will be asked to reformat to Chicago style.


Every effort must be made to ensure anonymity. If it is absolutely necessary to cite the author's prior work, this should be cited in a manner that does not reveal the author's identity (for example, "Jane Author examines this issue in a study..." not "I examined this issue in a prior study..."). 

Title Page

Manuscripts should include a title page with the following information:

  • Title;
  • Full author name(s);
  • Affiliation(s), if any;
  • Corresponding author’s email address (other author email addresses are optional);
  • Acknowledgments (optional).

The title page should be uploaded as a separate file rather than attached to the main text of the manuscript.


Research articles must preface the main text with an abstract of no more than 200 words summarising the main arguments and conclusions of the article. This must be given under the heading ‘Abstract’ and should be clearly separate from the start of the article’s main text.

Main Text

The body of the submission should be structured in a logical and clear manner. Headings, if used, must be clearly identifiable using different font sizes, bold or italics. We suggest using Headings 1, 2 and 3 in MS Word’s ‘Style’ menu, found under ‘Format'.

Use of Footnotes

Footnotes should be used rather than endnotes.

Footnotes should be used only where crucial clarifying information needs to be conveyed. Footnote markers should be formatted as Arabic numerals (e.g., 1, 2, 3, etc.) and footnotes should be give as superscript.

Avoid using notes for the sole purpose of referencing, as this should be done in-text. If a citation is required within a note, it must also follow the parenthetical author-date citation format.

Please insert the footnote marker after the end punctuation of a sentence (e.g., the footnote number should appear after a punctuation mark, and not before it). The first footnote is the acknowledgement note.

Declaration of competing interests (if any). Please read our guide, ‘How to Declare a Competing Interest’, for further information on this.


The journal uses Chicago author-date referencing style.  Manuscripts may be formatted in any referencing style at initial submission.  If a manuscript that uses a different referencing style is accepted or conditionally accepted for publication, authors will be asked to reformat to Chicago author-date style.  For a guide to the Chicago author-date style please visit this site.

Research Ethics

Articles submitted to this journal are required to have met all legal and institutional obligations  in the authors' jurisdictions regarding research ethics. Please also see the publisher's 'Ethics and Malpractice Statement' for further information.